Urbanism Next
University of OregonUniversity of Oregon

Day 2

June 10, 2021 9:30 AM
June 10, 2021 5:30 PM


2.A. From experiment to system change of urban mobility

2.B. Future Perspectives on Public Spaces

2.C. The development of multimodal digital mobility services: What’s in it for cities?

  • Victoire Champenois, DG MOVE (No traditional presentation was used by this Moderator)
  • Eric Mink, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
  • Françoise Guaspare, Ile-de-France Europe
  • Juan Corro, EMT Madrid
  • Maria Elken, Skipit

2.D. Micro mobilities: A Tsunami for our sidewalks or an opportunity to rethink what sharing the road is all about?

2.E. The urgency to integrate city logistics in urban planning for livable cities of the future

Full session presentations here

  • Bram Kin, TNO
  • Heleen Buldeo Rai, University Gustave Eiffel
  • Jos Streng, City of Rotterdam
  • Nina van den Berg, Green Business Club Zuidas


3.A. Necessity, Mother of all Inventions… and Pop-Ups

3.B. Innovation Framework for New Developments

  • Katie Parnell, Oxfordshire County Council
  • George Economides, Oxfordshire County Council (No traditional presentation was used by this Speaker)
  • Laura Peacock, Oxfordshire County Council

3.C. A Joint View of Mobility and Housing: Benefits and Example of Integrating Mobility Management into Parking Standards for Housing Developments Situation

3.D. What to be prepared for on your way to Zero Emission City Logistics (ZECL)

3.E. Interactive game playing on new ways how to deal with public space (No traditional presentations were used for this session)

  • Sónia Lavadinho, Bfluid Recherche & Expertise
  • Mario Alves, International Federation of Pedestrians
  • Alexandre Santacreu, International Transport Forum / OECD
  • Maria José Rojo, POLIS

3.F. BMW Group and City of Rotterdam: a successful cooperation

Session presentation here

  • Martin Guit, City of Rotterdam
  • Bas van Kooperen, City of Rotterdam
  • Thomas Becker, BMW
  • Monika Dernai, BMW
  • Stefanie Wurst, BMW
  • Victor Vlam, Vlammende Communicatie



4.A. Disruptive new mobility innovations & fundamental human needs

4.B. Parking and the built environment

4.C. European experiences with new mobility impacts

4.D. A new solution to urban commercial vans: Millions of new delivery and service bikes to transform European cities

Full session presentations here

  • Kevin Mayne, Cycling Industries Europe
  • Philipp Kahle, ONOMOTION GmbH
  • Jesse van Hulst, Loendersloot Groep
  • Alexandra Winderickx, City of Mechelen

4.E. PECHA-KUCHA - Round One


5.A. Do we really need another new mobility pilot?

5.B. How a disruptor can be a supporter

  • Karen Vancluysen, POLIS
  • Chris Pangilinan, Uber Technologies (No traditional presentation was used by this Speaker)
  • Saul Lopez, Transport & Environment (No traditional presentation was used by this Speaker)
  • Terry Travis, EVNoire (No traditional presentation was used by this Speaker)
  • Garance Lefèvre, Lime
  • Lidia Signor, UITP (No traditional presentation was used by this Speaker)

5.C. Squeezing the best out of mobility data collaboration

5.D. How can carsharing scale up? Discussing effective measures around Robin Chase's dinner table (No traditional presentations were used for this session)

  • Robin Chase, NUMO
  • Ananda Groag, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
  • Andrew Berkhout, Greenwheels
  • Rebecca Karbaumer, City of Bremen

5.E. How can sustainability and road automation co-exist in future urban transport?

Full session presentations here

  • Nikolas Thomopoulos, WISE-ACT
  • Bert van Wee, Delft University of Technology
  • Nick Reed, Reed Mobility
  • Wolfgang Backhaus, Rupprecht Consult
  • Wolfram Klar, AustriaTech
  • Mickael Pero, COST Association

5.F. Retail, Restaurants, Real Estate… Revolution?

  • Philippe Crist, International Transport Forum at the OECD (No traditional presentation was used by this Moderator)
  • Joost Koomen, European Council of Shopping Places
  • Isabelle Maurizi, EuroCommerce (No traditional presentation was used by this Speaker)
  • Giacomo Lozzi, POLIS
  • Pauline Sammarcelli, SEMAEST